Insuring a high school or college student can be a challenging task. Due to the fact that they don't have much driving experience most insurance companies consider them high risk. There are some tips you can follow that will help you find cheap student car insurance.
If you are willing and able to add the student to your existing policy you are going to save a lot of money on premiums. If you decide you don't want to do this or you find that you are not able to do it try this.
Get on the Internet and type in cheap student car insurance quotes. Find the site that does price comparisons for students. Look for the lowest quotes for your particular situation. Select 3 or 4 of them. Now type in the websites for these specific carriers. When you get there you can see what types and levels of coverage you can get on just a basic policy.
Find out if the company gives discounts for students with good grades. If your child can maintain good grades, this shows the insurance company that they are responsible and therefore should be a responsible driver. They will lower the rate. Have your student take a defensive driving course. If they pass most carriers will give them an even further discount.
If the student is planning to drive only on weekends and during school breaks they can request more of a discount. If they drive a model car that has lower insurance rates, this will help also. The most obvious thing to keep in mind when trying to find cheap student car insurance, is the students behavior. If they have a good driving record no accidents they will get a lower rate. Any DUI's or other police record will make it very difficult for them to get any insurance so it is best that they be on their best behavior.
Eddie Abel is a researcher, blogger, and a cheap student car insurance specialist. Click this link to get your FREE quote or find more practical cost-cutting insurance tips and advice at his site: Cheap Car Insurance Rates
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